Address management API collection can be used to validate the address, fetch valid Local area code against the entered address and fetch address for the provided addressID.

Resource name for Authorisation API : 

  • /validateAddress : validates the address using country specific parameters.
  • /LACByLocation: to get valid Local area code (Geo/Nomadic) for given addressId
  • /address/{addressId}: to get address for a given addressId

end point URL:

these resources can be used:

  1. To fetch address details during number association (activation, new Port-In, update APIs), instead of providing the address again 
  2. To retrieve all your validated addresses 
  3. To mitigate & reduce the volume of business failures due to incorrect addresses 
  4. To submit orders cleanly 
  5. To be regulatory compliant

How to get access to this API?

Please inform your account manager to request access to the sandbox and/or production environments for the REST APIs and access to Colt API portal.

Sandbox support

Support for sandbox testing will be provided by the Voice API Support team and is a chargeable service. Please contact your account manager for further information.

Beta support

Support in the beta environment will be provided by our testing team who are directly involved and responsible for the upcoming release.  Contact details are published in the Number Hosting release note.

Production support

Please inform your account manager to request access to the sandbox and/or production environments for the REST APIs. You can raise any questions or issues to them directly and they will work to resolve these with our back office IT support.

  • Oauth 2.0 authentication: Your Client ID and Client Secret will be shared with you by Colt’s Reseller Support Voice team and
  • JWT Authentication: If you wish to use JWT authentication, then you will need to share the JWT public certificate (zipped) and name of the token issuer. Your Application ID (s) to add into the JWT key as the ‘Audience’ value will be shared with you by Colt’s Reseller Support Voice team.

How to use this API

Click below to download the API user guide.


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This API authenticate...

Errors returned by API

Http response code message reason details
400 40001 Invalid request Missing Credentials The request is missing authorization parameter
Status Live
Version v1
Maturity status Production