Voice Call Detail Record API

This API collection allows you to retrieve the CDRs resulting from your end-customers’ traffic within the Colt network.

    The API has 5 resources that are used to get the rated, unrated CDR, non-usage files, generate and get Consolidated Unrated CDR.

    End point: https://apimgd01.colt.net/usageManagement/v1/resource name

    resource name: allowed resource names are as below.

    • unratedCallDetailRecord
    • generateConsolidatedUnratedCallDetailRecord
    • consolidatedUnratedCallDetailRecord
    • ratedCallDetailRecord
    • nonUsageReport

    How to get access to this API?

    Please inform your account manager to request access to the sandbox and/or production environments for the REST APIs and access to Colt API portal.

    Sandbox support

    Support for sandbox testing will be provided by the Voice API Support team and is a chargeable service. Please contact your account manager for further information.

    Beta support

    Support in the beta environment will be provided by our testing team who are directly involved and responsible for the upcoming release.  Contact details are published in the Number Hosting or CDR specific release note.

    Production support

    Please inform your account manager to request access to the sandbox and/or production environments for the REST APIs. You can raise any questions or issues to them directly and they will work to resolve these with our back office IT support.

    • Oauth 2.0 authentication: Your Client ID and Client Secret will be shared with you by Colt’s Reseller Support Voice team and
    • JWT Authentication: If you wish to use JWT authentication, then you will need to share the JWT public certificate (zipped) and name of the token issuer. Your Application ID (s) to add into the JWT key as the ‘Audience’ value will be shared with you by Colt’s Reseller Support Voice team.

    How to use this API

    Click below to download the CDR API user guide.


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    Contact our Sales Team  

    Voice NGN Number Management

    Regulatory compliant voice inbound number APIs  are available for resellers in an automated environment where you can order IN Geo, Freephone, Shared Cost, Full rate and National Rate numbers and manage your inventory for your end-customers. Our APIs offer customers the advantages of faster lead times, the highest level of security along with regulatory compliance. This gives you an opportunity to simplify your business processes, build E2E automation and deliver a first class end-customer experience.


    How to get access to this API?

    If you are a Colt customer then please contact your Account Executive.

    How to use this API

    Click below to download the API user guide.


    Not a customer yet?

    Contact our Sales Team  

    Voice NGN Access Management

    OAuth 2.0 protocol is implemented to generate access token of JWT token (applicable for 30 mins only) with client credential grant type.  You can request up to 5 CLIENT IDs + CLIENT Secret per company account.

    How to get access to this API?

    If you are a Colt customer then please contact your Account Executive.

    How to use this API

    Click below to download the API user guide.


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    Contact our Sales Team  

    Voice Authorisation API

    This API can be used to authenticate users using OAuth 2.0 for Number, Address and Usage Mangement APIs only.

    OAuth 2.0 access token (applicable for 30 mins only) with client_credential grant type is used to authenticate clients. You can request up to 5 CLIENT_ID + CLIENT_Secret per company account.

    Resource name for Authorisation API : /token

    Method: POST

    end point URL: https://apimgd01.colt.net/oauth/v2/token


    How to get access to this API?

    Please inform your account manager to request access to the sandbox and/or production environments for the REST APIs and access to Colt API portal.

    Sandbox support

    Support for sandbox testing will be provided by the Voice API Support team and is a chargeable service. Please contact your account manager for further information.

    Beta support

    Support in the beta environment will be provided by our testing team who are directly involved and responsible for the upcoming release.  Contact details are published in the Number Hosting or CDR specific release note.

    Production support

    Please inform your account manager to request access to the sandbox and/or production environments for the REST APIs. You can raise any questions or issues to them directly and they will work to resolve these with our back office IT support.

    • Oauth 2.0 authentication: Your Client ID and Client Secret will be shared with you by Colt’s Reseller Support Voice team and
    • JWT Authentication: If you wish to use JWT authentication, then you will need to share the JWT public certificate (zipped) and name of the token issuer. Your Application ID (s) to add into the JWT key as the ‘Audience’ value will be shared with you by Colt’s Reseller Support Voice team.

    How to use this API


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    TMF Trouble Ticket API

    The Trouble Ticket API provides a standardized client interface to Trouble Ticket Management Systems for creating, tracking and managing trouble tickets as a result of an issue or problem identified by a customer or another system.

    How to get access to this API?

    If you are a Colt customer then please contact your Account Executive.

    How to use this API

    Click below to download the API user guide.


    Not a customer yet?

    Contact our Sales Team